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The monks of Belmont Abbey have joined the Benedictine Volunteer Corps program sponsored by St. John's Abbey, Collegeville. The mission of the Volunteer Corps is to provide opportunities for students and/or alumni with six to eight months volunteer service at a Benedictine monastery while participating in the monastic life of that community and supporting its work.


Belmont Abbey will offer this opportunity to participate in this volunteer corps for our students and/or alumni by providing an appropriate monthly stipend to the volunteer, one round-trip air fare, and five hundred dollars toward health coverage for the time of volunteer service. The host monastery will provide an on-site contact person, meaningful work, food, and lodging, as well as access to transportation as necessary.


  The volunteer will spend no less than two weeks in a monastic experience program at Belmont Abbey. During this time he or she will live and work according to our daily schedule. They will study the Rule of St. Benedict and related texts on contemporary monastic life. While on site, the volunteer is expected to participate in the daily prayer schedule of the host monastery, and eat with the community at least once a day. Further, the volunteer is expected to participate in the work of the community at least thirty hours a week and no more than forty.


This channel is coming soon!

Web Design by:  Tyler MacLaine, Dominic Kennedy, Logan Branham, Carlos Nolasco, Jake Rybarski

Benedictine Volunteer Corps

100 Belmont-Mt.Holly Road

Belmont, NC 28012

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